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Find a Spiritual Director


Outside New England


Meg Howard,

Puerto Rico and online

617.605.1152 | | I received my training in the art of spiritual direction through the Selah Certificate Program. My background is in education, business and ministry. In spiritual direction, God meets us in wonderful ways as we faithfully seek the Holy Spirit’s leading for our lives. Sensing God’s leading and direction is enlivening! I look forward to companioning you on this Christ-centered journey of faith. I meet with directees in-person or on-line. I also offer group spiritual direction and am delighted to facilitate retreats. I am married and have two grown sons. I worked for 3 summers in Africa, have lived in Spain, Boston, and now live in Puerto Rico.


Jackie Ro,

Taiwan and online |  After completing my theological studies and doing pastoral work in the Boston area, I discovered how very profound the ministry of Spiritual Direction is to one's soul. Since then I can't seem to get enough, as I remain thirsty giving and receiving direction. The training I received falls under the tradition of Ignatian spirituality -- God is in all things. As I continue to travel to different parts of the world teaching Leadership based on Spiritual Formation, I find that the awareness of this truth can powerfully, yet gently, bring deep healing, personal growth and greater interior freedom. Luke 1:46


Carrie Schuliger,

Vancouver BC and online I have walked with God since I was a child and am delighted to walk with others as they journey with God. Hospitality, simplicity and contemplative prayer characterize my practice. I hold a Master’s degree in Spiritual Formation from Carey Theological College and have completed LTi’s Selah program. I offer individual and group spiritual direction, lead contemplative retreats and enjoy working with church leadership teams. I meet directees in person and via video chat applications. I am married, have three children and enjoy long walks, music and, if I could have only one devotional practice, it would be lectio divina.


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