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Rustic Beach Path


For further reading on spiritual direction:

Sacred Companions: The Gift of Spiritual Friendship & Direction, David G. Benner

The Practice of Spiritual Direction, William A. Barry & William J. Connolly

Holy Listening, Margaret Guenther

Seeking God Together: An Introduction to Group Spiritual Direction, Alice Fryling

New England Area Retreat Centers:

Adelynrood Retreat Center, Byfield MA

Center for Renewal, Simsbury CT

Emery House, West Newbury MA

Miramar Retreat Center, Duxbury MA

Rolling Ridge Retreat Center, N. Andover MA

The Sanctuary at Woodville, Woodville MA

Quiet Days:

Church of the Nativity, Northborough MA, 1st Saturday

Pax Center, Essex MA. See website.

The Sanctuary at Woodville MA, 2nd Saturday

Christ-centered Spiritual Formation Resources:

Leadership Transformations, Inc. Themed personal and group retreats,

occasional offerings for soul nourishment; Selah spiritual direction training.

PAX Center, Essex. Themed online and day retreats, Walk with Jesus: an Ignatian

prayer experience, spiritual direction training.

The Sanctuary at Woodville. Monthly Creative Contemplation mornings,

3rd Saturday.

Relevant Quotes About Spiritual Direction

"God comes to us, disguised as our life." - Paula D'Arcy

“Spiritual  direction works through pastoral conversation to help people notice how and where God has been present and active in their lives. Many people have profound intuitions of God that they discount or repress, often for fear of being misunderstood. Spiritual direction encourages people to speak of their experience of God as part of the ordinary life of discipleship.”    - Julia Gatta and Martin L. Smith, Go in Peace: The Art of Hearing Confessions

“Everything in the world is about to be wrapped up, so take nothing for granted. Stay wide awake in prayer.”    1 Peter 4:8, The Message

“Ideally in spiritual direction, two people (or more in group spiritual direction) experience God drawing them together precisely to pay attention to love, the prayer of God unfolding in the heart of the person seeking spiritual direction. This prayer of God, really God’s yearning for the person, has long been prayed before the person comes for spiritual direction.”      - Rose Mary Dougherty, Group Spiritual Direction

“And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don't know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words.”       Romans 8:26, NLT

“A spiritual director listens with one ear to God and the other to the directee, always encouraging the directee to recognize where God can be found throughout the journey. At its core, spiritual direction attends to the faithfulness and initiative of God. The Holy Spirit is really the Director of the time together as both parties pay attention to God’s movements and call.”     - Adele Ahlberg Calhoun, Spiritual Disciplines Handbook

“I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth."     John 16:12-13, NIV

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