This is the ultimate message of the gospel. It sounds so simple. We can believe it and still have trouble accepting for ourselves that we are loved, just as we are. Despite our sense of unworthiness, our frailty and our past failures, God's love and grace are offered to us as gifts. In addition to our struggles with self acceptance, what often gets in the way are our images of God as distant, demanding or judgmental. These images are the foundation of our trust. Spiritual direction can be a way to explore these images, hold them up to the light of scripture, tradition and experience and allow that love to become real to us in a new way. It allows us to identify and connect with the God who loves us like the perfect father, with Christ who lived out that love on earth, and with the Spirit, who prays us into being and becoming. The depth with which we receive that love will determine how well we're able to pass it on.
If any of this sounds like an invitation, spiritual direction can be a helpful resource. Is there an aspect of God's love you have yet to realize? What would you most like to receive from Christ today?
To search for a spiritual director in your area, see the directory. To learn more about the practice of spiritual direction, see “What is spiritual direction?” For resources or books on the topic, see “Resources” or explore our website at
